Well to let those of you who want to know we made it to the big city of Fort Worth :). We moved in a week ago and as I am sitting here as Jason is working on the last room to get together, his office :). I am surrounded by books and books and books... God truly blessed us with an adorable little house and amazing neighbors already. I have a great kitchen and soon (b/c my parents love me) a portable dishwasher! :) Our bedroom looks great, for the first time we have matching furniture, and I finally got to use my new comforter set, sheets, and valances, I will post pics soon.
The job hunt is going slow but we are looking, Jason goes in for an interview for a part-time job on campus position that would be great for him, please pray, the interview is Tuesday at 9. I have an interview for a full time job on campus as well, this Thursday in the Housing office. Please pray for me on this decision, I do not know where God is leading me, there are some other positions I have applied for off-campus that pay more and have great benefits. I am unsure of what I am to do, b/c we can only be unemployed for so long. Well that is the update on us, Jasons Mom and Grandma Polly are on their way to come see the house and take us out to dinner. To everyone whos been praying for us. Thank You! To my Sunday School Class I already Miss all of you, I was telling Jason its wierd not getting material ready for tomorrow. I hope you have an awesome summer! Well I guess thats it!
Love "Ya'll" :),
Joshua 24:15
Update and Groupons and Entertainment Book
15 years ago
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