Well the last blog I wrote was about a recipe, almost 3 months ago! A lot has happened it feels like. April kind of flew by, finishing up classes and working, and Jason working as well. May was not the greatest month for us, Jason got "let go" from the seminary. That was on a Wednesday, the Monday before this we got a rock thrown through our window at about 3 a.m. Funny thing of it is, that J woke up from the sound, I did not. I woke up to J calling security and then we called the police. You may of seen pictures of our porch, w/the pretty swing and the outdoor plastic furniture and table. Well they took the plastic furniture, and left the swing, took the table but decided two doors down they no longer wanted it, but left our swing :). So Jason went and got it. But hey, that is life, and we were not sure why people needed to steal our furniture for, all we knew to do was to pray for them. Jason spent all day cleaning up the house, he's a pretty good guy.
Jason has also been going back and forth to J'Ville to help his dad remodel his parents house and for Memorial Weekend we got to go to KS and see family! Including our nieces :)..... who we get to see in a few days! This past Friday, Jason and I celebrated 5 years of marriage. We cooked at home and had a nice meal, did not feel like going out, have had a rough couple of weeks and a night at home and a movie was the perfect recipe. I can't believe its already been 5 years, and they have been good years, some rough days/weeks/months at times, but we have been through it together, and there is no one else I would rather go through these times than Jason :). He's my best friend. We honestly have made it because of God, when we were going through the bad and good times, I would think, "how do people make it w/out God" for us, its unimaginable.
A quick update on our status, I have decided to no longer continue school. My RA(rheumatoid arthritis) has been one big factor in this decision, working full time, being a wife and a student. Has been too much for me. Jason is actively seeking ministry positions, and we are currently praying where God wants us. (he has had a few interviews, so that is good!) In the month of April, we sat and talked and felt God calling us to childrens ministry. This is something you could say we have been saying "no" to or didn't think we were called to. The more we talked about what God wanted us to do, we knew that we were called to Childrens ministry. So, after J's resume being out for about 8 months, and never getting any phone calls, we are now getting phone calls and emails. I guess when you finally do what God calls you to do, things start happening :). So we are ready to do full-time ministry, and I will either stay at home and help J, or still help J and only work part-time due to the RA.
Keep praying for us, we will be having some decisions to make soon about what we are to do and follow where God wants us.
Update and Groupons and Entertainment Book
15 years ago
I think my daughter is becoming a true "Proverbs woman." I am extremely proud of her choices in life especially her choice of husband! I am very familiar with pain and I know hers is very acute. I just pray that God gives her a remission so she can use her gifts to help her husband in ministry without pain.
I love you, sweetie... with all my heart.
Hmmm... More blog entries to come has not been the case. Get to typing woman!! :) LOVE YOU!
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