Do you notice the red around her paws and face? Well that is from a chewy that was given to her, that she loves. But we will no longer get them because they dye her fur!!! She will miss them I know :).
Friday, February 26, 2010
What Happens at the end of a day with Molly plays...............
Do you notice the red around her paws and face? Well that is from a chewy that was given to her, that she loves. But we will no longer get them because they dye her fur!!! She will miss them I know :).
Posted by Curry's at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Labels: Molly
Mollys new Friend
Molly got a new friend in January, and her name is Bella. Bella is a yorkie-malti-poo (yep three). She is about 3 months old now and I think she weighs around 3 pounds! She is super tiny. The pictures below you can barely see her eyes. Her and Molly like to chase each other up and down the fence for hours. They have been in our yard together at times but Bella likes Molly best from across the fence :). They like to get in trouble, and our neighbors (Bella's Mom and Dad) Wanda and Ray, have have had to "barricade" the entire fence! You see, Molly and Bella like to dig together to get to each other. So Ray and Wanda had to put up bricks and other fencing along the fence to keep them from doing it. What a mess they are. But we all agree, we like for them to play all day like that (running up and down the fence) because at night, they are pooped!
Posted by Curry's at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Molly
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Working Hard!
Today Jason did a lot of "Honey Do's"! He cleaned out the shed, fixed my cabinets, fixed a few other things, and so on! He didn't rest until about 5 o'clock then he grilled some yummy steaks!
If you notice in these photos the lil white puff. Yep, that's Molly. She kept following him all day. Whenever he went out she went out. It was adorable! Even tonight when he was putting away the grill she ran to the back door, looked at me and if she could of said "Hey, Dad's out there, let me out! (duh Mom)" she would of. She thought that she needed to help him all day! What a dog! What a day!
Posted by Curry's at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
The One about the Dog...........
So, if anyone knows me (Tonya), they know that I love animals and I have wanted a dog for a looooooong time. But, we knew (me not always agreeing), that it was not time to get a dog, while in seminary. Which, was very true. So, once we moved up here, I was ready to get one, then I saw the price tag (had to get a hypo allergenic for J's allergies), and the vet bills to come along. So I let go, and knew at some certain time, I would eventually get one. I had no idea, how much God would bless me, with my patience and waiting. Here is my story of Molly.
In November, I got a text message from our old neighbor Christy, she texted "are you still wanting a poodle?", which I said "yes, why?". She then went on to tell me that a friend of hers, daughter piano teacher, had gotten a puppy and was no longer able to keep her. I then texted Jason, he said, "lets go look at her", which made my day! So after a few more text messages, I was getting ready for a phone call from the owner. But that night, she didn't call. So after a couple days of not hearing, I thought maybe she was able to keep the dog. But then, I got a phone call, from a very sweet lady. She had bought the puppy 3 weeks ago, and was unable to keep her due to personal circumstances.
Talking to her, she said "I do not want money, just a good home for my puppy". I thought "wow" is this really happening? After speaking to her, I found out that "Mindy" had been fixed, had her shots, and would come with a kennel. This was overwhelming, all the major expenses were taken care of! Next, we set up to meet on Friday before Thanksgiving at Petsmart in Fort Worth. I spoke to Jason and he said "you can have her", I gave him a huge hug and said THANK YOU! He said "Well I told you, when the time was right, we could get a dog. The time is right." I love my hubby :).
That Friday, I was excited and nervous. I went and got my oil changed and called up Amy (sis n law), and asked, "do you want to go w/me to get my puppy?", she screamed, "you're getting a puppy?!", I said yes! We then went to Petsmart and I saw her, the cute lil fluffy bundle of joy. Her owner was holding her, and I went up and introduced myself, she then handed me "Mindy", and she had me at first lick :).
We walked around Petsmart, visiting, seeing how "Mindy" and I did. You could say we hit it off. So, if the offer was still standing, I was gonna take her, and I did! The owner, also blessed me with prepaid training classes, I was in shock. She truly loved "Mindy" and it was not easy taking the puppy away from her. We then went outside and loaded Amys car with the stuff she had boughten. Let me tell you, this puppy was loved! She had sweaters, shirts, toys, chewies, back packs, food, treats, a bed, blankets, and a few more I can't think of! After loading up, we went back in the store to get a refund for training. Last, the owner, gave me a hug and said "I have to go", she was crying as she walked out, and it was very hard to see.
I now have a puppy is what I though, wow, this is gonna be a big change. We got her in the car, got my car loaded up and I headed to back home to Irving. "Mindy" and I hung outside for awhile, waiting for J to get home. He saw her and had a big smile on his face "shes cute" is what he said.
That's my story of who I now call Molly. She has been a joy for both of us to have, a ball of energy. She has a shirt that says LOL "Lots of Licks", which is truly her! She has given me a reason to get up early and not focus on my RA, which has been needed. I love my puppy, and can truly say, even the smallest things you wait for, God will bless you. He may not always give you what you want, but He will give you what you can handle and need. I truly believe I needed Molly and she needed me. I thank God for her everyday.
Here are pics of our bundle of craziness:

First couple of weeks with Molly. She has decided its fun to steal our socks!

There are many more stories to tell of Molly. How she terrorized my parents dogs, b/c of her hyper self, how she likes to jump over the baby gate we own, how she has peed on my couch and chair (not good moments), from playing to Allegro to her new favorite hobby eating pecans. I will try to share the stories weekly. Each day is a funny day with this little pup, and I hope to entertain you all!
Posted by Curry's at 11:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: Molly
Update on Us!
Our new life here in Irving has started in full swing! Jason has been busy with his job, his first assignment was going to camp, which he got a departing gift when he came home, Influenza type A. If only I had pictures of the good patient (HA). After that, we moved. We then painted the house, and Jason was starting up with the beginning of the school year at church. Which included, Sunday School, Kidstuf (a drama presentation done every Sunday morning, Preschool (nursery), RA's, GA's, Mission Friends, and thats all I can think of right now. He's a busy guy, trying to coordinate these programs with an amazing group of people, that without their willing hearts, these programs would not be functioning!
In the middle of all of this, I got invited to start a neat bible study, called BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I have really enjoyed it. If on Sunday mornings, I'm unable to get to service, and get "fed" with the message, I get a "fed" on Wednesday mornings! I am so happy to be a part of this!
Fall Festival was a great time. It was J's and I's first time being involved and running this type of program. With the team Jason has at work (Brenda assistant and Sue Ann preschool director), the festival went great, and had a great attendance. Amy, Jason and I all dressed up as 80's/90's "peeps", some thought J was more 70's, but we had fun! Lynn did my updo, and helped w/makeup, all to say, I'm glad I'm no longer in the 80's! After the festival, J and I celebrated with FREE chipotle, a nice finish to a crazy evening. The next morning, J preached, he did a great job, and I was extremely proud of him for achieving this, after a crazy week.

Allegro even got dressed up!

Above is Lynn and her dog Darby. Darby was not too excited about the big crowd, so Lynn put him in his house. The funny part was his house was by the bowl of candy that Lynn and Amber were giving out, so each time the kids reached for candy, they heard "GROWLLLL" and each kid jumped. It was better then any haunted house! :)
December was pretty busy with Christmas parties. We were invited to quite a few, and had a lot of fun!

We also got to be part of a Christmas parade for the city of Irving. Children workers rode the firetruck. (We have a 1940's Firetruck, it's pretty cool.) We then did a small KidStuf production for the Christmas Eve service, and immediately made a 3 hour trip to J'Ville (which is usually 2 hours or less) due to the snow. Had a great Christmas, then Lance and Elizabeth (my bro and his wife) came to visit! We made homemade ravioli, went to Central Market, and just enjoyed visiting.
January then showed up somehow, and we are now here. A lot has already happened, which will again, be another blog.
Thanks for reading an update on us!
Posted by Curry's at 10:36 PM 0 comments
House Warming Party
Jason and I thought a housewarming party would be a great way to meet our neighbors and church family. We had a great time meeting people and visiting. We feel that this is not our home, it is God's, and want others to know they are always welcome! Our new home is a dream, I didn't know would come true so quickly after seminary. One day, I may write more about closing day, but today is not the day. We had the housewarming the first Saturday of October, it was a beautiful day. My mom even flew down from Kansas for the event! She helped me prepared the place, set up the kitchen, and gave tours of the house so I could rest :). I have a good mama. Amy (J's sister) took a ton of pictures for me and helped me out as well, shes a great sis in law and I'm lucky to have her! My dad was unable to come, and so were J's parents and sister Amber, but his Grandmother and Aunt Gail were able to come. It was so great to see everyone.
To prepare for the housewarming took a lot of work! After closing at the end of August, my parents came down and helped us pick out paint, curtains and a few extra things. We then began the process of painting the entire house. Now, the house had newly painted walls and new carpet, but the walls were a bluish white (kind of like the hair color some older ladies have). I was tired of white walls, I wanted a warmer color. So I chose warm caramel for all over the house, besides the kitchen, which I chose an olive color. I think they turned out great. Rodney came down and he and I painted the guest room and the master bedroom, then the following Saturday, Jason (he was unable to help due to work), Lynn, Amber, Amy, and Cliff and Angie Walker came to join us. We are incredibly thankful for everyones help! In about 5 days, my house looked transformed. Then before the party, Jason spent his day off, helping me get pictures, mirrors, accessories out throughout the house. I think he's pretty great!
So all to say, it took a lot of preparation to get the house ready, and I think it turned out pretty good! Here are some pics to show ya'll.
Posted by Curry's at 10:12 PM 1 comments
The Big Move
Ok, so I realize this is about 7 months overdue, and I apologize. Life got really busy when we got here, and it seemed I never had time to blog. I am now scheduling a blog day, to at least blog at least once a week!
Here are some pictures, that my wonderful BFF :) Amanda took. The move and moving in days were crazy. Even with packers and movers, it was a bit insane. Yes, the church blessed us tremendously, with movers and packers, I know. They were informed of my RA, and said you don't need to be packing, they were wonderful to us! (and still are ;) ) Without the help of Rodney, Amy, and the Ericksons (David and Amanda), I'm sure it could not of been done.
This is a simple THANK YOU to all those that have helped us get to where we are, with the move, with the first 5 years of marriage. We know that it was God, who got us to where we are today, we never knew that we'd be able to buy a house. We are blessed!
Here are some pics (all courtesy of Amanda):
I'm surrounded!
Ericksons helping us move stuff!
Moving company.
The crazy old man who showed up
to help us, aka father in law :).
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!
Saying goodbye to a
great house and friends!
Our New Home!
My BFF :).
Posted by Curry's at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: new house