Friday, January 22, 2010

Update on Us!

Our new life here in Irving has started in full swing! Jason has been busy with his job, his first assignment was going to camp, which he got a departing gift when he came home, Influenza type A. If only I had pictures of the good patient (HA). After that, we moved. We then painted the house, and Jason was starting up with the beginning of the school year at church. Which included, Sunday School, Kidstuf (a drama presentation done every Sunday morning, Preschool (nursery), RA's, GA's, Mission Friends, and thats all I can think of right now. He's a busy guy, trying to coordinate these programs with an amazing group of people, that without their willing hearts, these programs would not be functioning!

Jason and the church's 1940's firetruck.

At our local Sonic, the Sonic Guy is always showing up. :)

In the middle of all of this, I got invited to start a neat bible study, called BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I have really enjoyed it. If on Sunday mornings, I'm unable to get to service, and get "fed" with the message, I get a "fed" on Wednesday mornings! I am so happy to be a part of this!

Fall Festival was a great time. It was J's and I's first time being involved and running this type of program. With the team Jason has at work (Brenda assistant and Sue Ann preschool director), the festival went great, and had a great attendance. Amy, Jason and I all dressed up as 80's/90's "peeps", some thought J was more 70's, but we had fun! Lynn did my updo, and helped w/makeup, all to say, I'm glad I'm no longer in the 80's! After the festival, J and I celebrated with FREE chipotle, a nice finish to a crazy evening. The next morning, J preached, he did a great job, and I was extremely proud of him for achieving this, after a crazy week.

Allegro even got dressed up!

Above is Lynn and her dog Darby. Darby was not too excited about the big crowd, so Lynn put him in his house. The funny part was his house was by the bowl of candy that Lynn and Amber were giving out, so each time the kids reached for candy, they heard "GROWLLLL" and each kid jumped. It was better then any haunted house! :)

Soon after that, we got to go my parents for Thanksgiving. We spent a busy week there, which I got to bring a third somebody w/me, my new puppy Molly! (which I will blog next about) So the week was spent w/family and intense potty training!

December was pretty busy with Christmas parties. We were invited to quite a few, and had a lot of fun!
The picture collage, is a group of photos, for the Christmas Party that Jason and I held for all the workers in the children department. With help from Sue Ann (and family) and Claire, who are such talented people! We had On the Border Catering, and played "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader".

We also got to be part of a Christmas parade for the city of Irving. Children workers rode the firetruck. (We have a 1940's Firetruck, it's pretty cool.) We then did a small KidStuf production for the Christmas Eve service, and immediately made a 3 hour trip to J'Ville (which is usually 2 hours or less) due to the snow. Had a great Christmas, then Lance and Elizabeth (my bro and his wife) came to visit! We made homemade ravioli, went to Central Market, and just enjoyed visiting.

January then showed up somehow, and we are now here. A lot has already happened, which will again, be another blog.

Thanks for reading an update on us!
