So, if anyone knows me (Tonya), they know that I love animals and I have wanted a dog for a looooooong time. But, we knew (me not always agreeing), that it was not time to get a dog, while in seminary. Which, was very true. So, once we moved up here, I was ready to get one, then I saw the price tag (had to get a hypo allergenic for J's allergies), and the vet bills to come along. So I let go, and knew at some certain time, I would eventually get one. I had no idea, how much God would bless me, with my patience and waiting. Here is my story of Molly.
In November, I got a text message from our old neighbor Christy, she texted "are you still wanting a poodle?", which I said "yes, why?". She then went on to tell me that a friend of hers, daughter piano teacher, had gotten a puppy and was no longer able to keep her. I then texted Jason, he said, "lets go look at her", which made my day! So after a few more text messages, I was getting ready for a phone call from the owner. But that night, she didn't call. So after a couple days of not hearing, I thought maybe she was able to keep the dog. But then, I got a phone call, from a very sweet lady. She had bought the puppy 3 weeks ago, and was unable to keep her due to personal circumstances.
Talking to her, she said "I do not want money, just a good home for my puppy". I thought "wow" is this really happening? After speaking to her, I found out that "Mindy" had been fixed, had her shots, and would come with a kennel. This was overwhelming, all the major expenses were taken care of! Next, we set up to meet on Friday before Thanksgiving at Petsmart in Fort Worth. I spoke to Jason and he said "you can have her", I gave him a huge hug and said THANK YOU! He said "Well I told you, when the time was right, we could get a dog. The time is right." I love my hubby :).
That Friday, I was excited and nervous. I went and got my oil changed and called up Amy (sis n law), and asked, "do you want to go w/me to get my puppy?", she screamed, "you're getting a puppy?!", I said yes! We then went to Petsmart and I saw her, the cute lil fluffy bundle of joy. Her owner was holding her, and I went up and introduced myself, she then handed me "Mindy", and she had me at first lick :).
We walked around Petsmart, visiting, seeing how "Mindy" and I did. You could say we hit it off. So, if the offer was still standing, I was gonna take her, and I did! The owner, also blessed me with prepaid training classes, I was in shock. She truly loved "Mindy" and it was not easy taking the puppy away from her. We then went outside and loaded Amys car with the stuff she had boughten. Let me tell you, this puppy was loved! She had sweaters, shirts, toys, chewies, back packs, food, treats, a bed, blankets, and a few more I can't think of! After loading up, we went back in the store to get a refund for training. Last, the owner, gave me a hug and said "I have to go", she was crying as she walked out, and it was very hard to see.
I now have a puppy is what I though, wow, this is gonna be a big change. We got her in the car, got my car loaded up and I headed to back home to Irving. "Mindy" and I hung outside for awhile, waiting for J to get home. He saw her and had a big smile on his face "shes cute" is what he said.
That's my story of who I now call Molly. She has been a joy for both of us to have, a ball of energy. She has a shirt that says LOL "Lots of Licks", which is truly her! She has given me a reason to get up early and not focus on my RA, which has been needed. I love my puppy, and can truly say, even the smallest things you wait for, God will bless you. He may not always give you what you want, but He will give you what you can handle and need. I truly believe I needed Molly and she needed me. I thank God for her everyday.
Here are pics of our bundle of craziness:
First couple of weeks with Molly. She has decided its fun to steal our socks!
There are many more stories to tell of Molly. How she terrorized my parents dogs, b/c of her hyper self, how she likes to jump over the baby gate we own, how she has peed on my couch and chair (not good moments), from playing to Allegro to her new favorite hobby eating pecans. I will try to share the stories weekly. Each day is a funny day with this little pup, and I hope to entertain you all!