Thursday, April 17, 2008

My New Bike

Well my mom and dad want to help me get in shape and exercise and fight this darn Rheumatoid! (so does my hubby) So they put money together to buy me this new bike!

Ok now that you've seen it , its more of a trike ;). The reason being that with the R.A. my joints hurt and riding a regular bike (I tried it in the store), hurt. So, April 24th or so my new trike will be in and I'm pretty excited. All I need now is a bell and some streamers :). Happy Birthday to me!

Also Prayer Request:

Jasons Family:

Uncle Lynn: Had bypass this morning, still do not know how the surgery went.
Aunt Donna: Grand Mal Seizure this morning as well.


Anonymous said...


Lynn Curry said...

Uncle Lynn off respirator but still in ICU. Surgery went well.
Aunt Donna on seizure meds and at home. :)